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Heat continues in Indiana, possible t-storms by friday


Heat Continues to Bear down on the state of Indiana and the Great Lakes region

As you can see from the Heat Index above, the heat today is oppressive even for the month of September. As the week continues on it stays like this until the end of the week when we have a better chance of rain. 

Areas like Champaign and even Muncie go over or come close to the 90 degree threshold. Times like this it keeps us inside and could lead to people having heat strokes, so it be best to always have a water bottle nearby during this oppressive heat wave.

Though because of the intense heat throughout the week we could possibly see rainfall by the end of the week. As you can see by Friday morning we could see some rain accumulation, but this is subject to change day by day. 

So as the week progresses we will keep you updated with the latest information with the weather.

-- Weather Forecaster Cameron Chinn

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